to Raise and Train a
Well-Mannered Dog

guide on how to give your dog outlets for their natural behavior
and accelerate your dog training

To successfully train your dog, one of the first things you should learn is to discover what are your dog's instinctive needs and provide them outlets to practice them.  

Let's spoil your dog!  AND accelerate your dog training journey.

Understanding your dog's natural instincts is key to building a strong bond, addressing potential behavioral issue and even witnessing a calmer dog.

Fulfillment of their needs creates a well-adjusted dog so training becomes easier.  And you will experience:

🐾 Calmer dog

🐾 Less undesired behaviors like chewing on your furniture

🐾 More productive training sessions

Give your dog opportunities to fulfill their natural instinctive behaviors as you're training LEASH WALKING, RECALL (come when called), WAIT AT DOORWAYS, DISENGAGEMENT FROM OTHER DOGS

What are your dog's instinctive needs?

How can you give them an outlet?

Successful dog training doesn't happen in a vacuum.  It's more than just teaching sit/down/stay.

Check out the FREE guide for simple tips and suggestions.

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I'm Linda The Dog Trainer . . .
And That's Jill in the Pic with Me

I focus on helping pet parents with puppies, teen dogs and rescues start their journey on the right paw. I coach them to raise a well-mannered/ well-adjusted dog, and avoid the typical mistakes other pet parents make.  But sometimes we are called in to help with behavior modification--for pulling like a train on walks, barking at anyone at the door, jumping on people, barking and lunging at other dogs and people, and many more issues.

I grew up with dogs and live with several now, Danny and Jill. But Jack is the one who opened my world to fostering and other pursuits to help other dogs in need.

When you tell me that you feel overwhelmed and exhausted about what you are dealing with, I know what you mean. Jack was a over-reactive dog that I could not keep under threshold when other people came up to us when we were on a leash.

I realized Jack was not the only dog with these issues, which brought me to what I love doing now----To help the other Jacks in the world so you can have a less stressful life with your dog.

We can help with personalized training in your home, in-person group classes, online reactive dog membership or self-study options. The in-home and group classes include opportunities to practice in real life scenerios in different Costa Mesa locations. Thank you for visiting Wow Bow Wow! You are an amazing pet parent to come here looking for answers, solutions & support. Let's chat about your dog and how I can help.

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